Love God | Love Others | Serve Jesus & Make a Difference
Our Vision: We envision being a family of faith that reflects God’s light, love, truth, and grace; deeply committed to discipleship through passionate worship, unceasing prayer, and selfless service. We strive to build a multi-generational body of believers while multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ, making a transformational difference in our local community and beyond.

Come close to God, and God will come close to you. (James 4:8)
We love God by spending time with Him. Worship is about giving not getting.
- Worship services with stimulating sermons
- Traditional services with organ, chancel and bell choirs
- Contemporary services with praise band
- Remote Youth & Children’s Sunday School
- 1st Fridays Worship, Praise & Prayer Time
- Bible Study Groups

Love your neighbor as yourself.
(Leviticus 19:18)
Simple acts of kindness demonstrates love towards others.
- Small Groups/House Church
- Switch Youth Group
- Vacation Bible School
- Caring Choices – Facility & Programs
- Hosting Ongoing Community Groups: Al–Anon, Food Addicts Recovery Anonymous, Nar-Anon, Parkinson’s
- GriefShare – grief support group

Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant. (Matthew 20:26)
To follow Jesus is to serve him. Cultivate a lifestyle of serving.
- Monthly Missions Sunday
- Missions giving is supporting Haiti, Project Chacocente, Webster Hope House
- Grace House Ministry, bring/serve dinner monthly to individuals recently released from prison
- Shoe Box Ministry, sending over 100 shoe boxes every year
- Annual Mitten & Hat Tree, donated locally
- Upcoming Adult/Youth Red Bird Mission trip